Lecture 100 and 101

As time moves ... into the country.

For exactly three years I'm now back from my trip. Actually, I did exactly that time again to throw off the ropes and break the world circumnavigation, Intermezzo in my country but take a little longer, than expected. I did not have got done in three years, zusammenzusparen a new boat for new trips.

But if I still can not again go on new trips, I am yet again very pleased with the invitations, to tell about it! At the 6. August, I think in the Hanse Sail Rostock 100. Paper presented. Yesterday in a youth sailing group in Cleves (with lots of extra visitors through newspaper advertisements) mean 101. I was particularly delighted by some unexpected guests, have a lot more miles on the Log, I. When we were still together after the lecture briefly to talk at the door, there were certainly 100.000 Seemeilen zusammen 😉

The 102. will take place in two weeks in Leipzig. Upcoming events you can under www.john-erdmann.com see.

If you feel like, me in his sailing club, Bookshop, Community center, Cinema, School or elsewhere invite, like to write me a mail! I look forward to visiting with you! 🙂

How can look like a lecture, see here. More photos of the lecture in Cleves? CLICK HERE

(Thank für die other pictures Jan van den Hurk)