Great memories ...

Today ... came with a small package into the house. I think, I was never so surprised as at the moment, as I opened the box. Inside, a dented tin “SPAM” (a kind of canned ham from America) and a bottle of precious Lousiana-Hot-Sauce, with water from the already decomposed label. Enclosed is a letter from my friend Egi, with whom I sailed last summer from the Chesapeake Bay to New York to the Azores (see or “Many happy returns! Diese beiden Sachen habe ich bei Überholungsarbeiten an der ‘Gavdos’ found again and thought the same about you. Enjoy your meal (at their own risk) and best wishes!”

A great birthday present - vestiges of our ships' provisions, with a few thousand miles on the clock Atlantiksegelei! 🙂 Although at least the SPAM is still up 2012 tenable (probably many more years …) However, the two get a place in the glass case. In memory of the beautiful journey.