A construction site less

Dear Readers,

It must be quite confusing, here on the site constantly changing ship witness. Here again the old boat, is taken at the beginning of April by the new owners. Last weekend I spent with my brother Tobi Kopperby in order, prepare the boat for the acquisition. I was on his offer, to help me, very happy! Cati is currently in preparation for their exams and therefore only a very limited available. Nevertheless, I have them on Saturday evening for a barbecue then brought to the loop and as early as Sunday morning brought back to Kiel.

As you can see on some pictures, the keel is now completely de-rusted and primed umpteen times. Together with Tobi, I also installed a new circuit and adapted to the new cooling water pump. We have also painted anti-fouling. Now I have to do in the next few days, only a few remaining tasks.

It was another wonderful weekend in the loop. The sun was shining and was temporarily working in the T-shirt available. There's nothing more beautiful, than tinkering on the boat in spring 🙂
