Author Archives: John

Here we go!

Dear Readers, same time has come. Once this new blog entry is posted on the Internet, with us the mooring lines fly on deck. It goes into the Hudson, die Segel werden gesetzt und wir lassen uns von den bis zu 3,5…

In New York – Leaving tomorrow, at the 1. July

Dear Readers, after I have some "Why are you writing any more" and "What has happened?Have "reached mails and even a call from my parents, now have a quick update ... I am very pleased, dass doch so viele Leute unsere…

Fourth day at sea – More 35 Miles to the New York City skyline!

Dear Readers, A final report from the iridium, before tonight – hopefully! –in a marina are back and have a normal Internet. Only a 82er Etmal it was last night, was vor allem an denflauen Winden aus Süd…

Position forget!

Today's noon position was exactly 39 Degrees north and 74 Grad, 21 MinutenWest. Greeting, John

Third day at sea – Flies and doldrums

Dear Readers, Since yesterday afternoon, we are a hour period of 92 Mile run, was rechtbrauchbar ist, given that, dass der Wind in den letzten 24Stunden mehr als flau war und uns nun seit etwa 10 Minuten ganzverlassen hat. On…

On the way to New York – Day 1

Dear Readers, 24 Stunden sind wir nun genau unterwegs und haben ein Etmal von 110Seemeilen ersegelt. That's not really award-worthy. Aber wennman den Wind berücksichtigt, yesterday and this morning we had,this is really good! With only 6-8 Knots…