Category: Homesickness

In der Funkpause

Dear Readers, in den vergangenen Wochen war es recht ruhig bei uns auf dem Blog und unserer facebook-Seite. Mittlerweile haben uns sogar schon besorgte Nachfragen erreicht, ob etwas nicht in Ordnung sei oder wir uns sogar getrennt hätten. Alles in…

An empty dock

The bridge floats again. At least twice a day - in between because he is always dry at low tide. But at least we have something floating in front of the door, in the evening you can sit with a beer and look into the distance,…

Spring comes to Oberndorf

Dear Readers, finally, Finally it looks like, as if the time of the snow and the cold by. A few days ago I took these photos, the feeling expressed here by the river quite well: Endlich kommt Leben in…

New home port

Dear Readers, almost three months have passed, I've published the last blog entry. The silence here on this site had a good reason: I was just too embarrassed to write, what all happened in the meantime. Ihr müsst…

New Year - a look back ...

Dear Readers, We wish you all a very, very happy new year 2012! I'm so in the sense, that it will be pretty exciting 🙂 Last year Cati and I were in Barcelona for the start of the Barcelona World Race. The days…