Category: Travel

The countdown is on …

Dear Readers, in 24 Hours Cati and I sit on the boat. A cold beer in hand and a happy grin on his face. Two weeks of vacation ahead of us. Incomprehensible. A long time. Bislang habe ich das ganze…


Dear Readers, here are still as an addendum to last post Catis some sequences, The way I've shot with the Nikon. Films are an integral part of this website, so I'm trying to buy a real HD video camera. Meine letzte…

In some packages Ærø

  Dear Readers, relatively long time there was nothing to read, obwohl wir in der Zwischenzeit ein sehr schönes Segelwochenende auf Ærø verlebt und unendlich viele Fotos geschossen haben. Das hat zwei Gründe: Zum einen ist Johannes gerade für die YACHT in der…

Through the channel after Kopperby

A great feeling, to come back home. So it felt really, when the lighthouse Schleimünde to starboard and we had this past Sunday afternoon in a crowd with dozens of other sailing boats chugged up the loop. Hinter uns lagen zwei…

Cross the stream to the target

The next morning we meet at ten clock on boot. install new toilet 🙂, Cati has but beware. install new toilet 🙂…

Season 2011? Runs.

Finally, Finally the time has come: After four and a half long, cold and sail-free months to get back into the water. While we were the good old “Maverick” Launching the first time 2005 have even more geslippt, die Nachfolgeboote immer allein oder zu zweit gekrant…