Books and some news

Dear Readers, After the last issue of the #sailing sofa, it has become quiet on our website and on Facebook. We gave a lot of gas, to renovate our apartment so far, that we can welcome our new roommate in mid-June. Wir werden…

#Sailing sofa “Favorite islands: Madeira”

The #sailing sofa continues! We implement this Saturday 20 Watch the sails towards our favorite island Madeira. Many great photos and exciting insights await you. Tune in and be there - we look forward to seeing you! Right know would be good…

The mysterious catamaran in the field ...

I was behind for almost a year, look at this comprehensive insurance. But first Corona put a spanner in the works, then we didn't even have the time. Now it worked and I was allowed to visit the stuck catamaran. What am I doing…

#Sailing sofa on 9. January 2021 - Links to the books!

(Martime) Books that fascinated us, shaped, helped, accompanied and always accompanied. Our heroes, Role models and saviors in need! classic, forgotten treasures from the second-hand bookshop and future standard works. Stories and guides – that every sailor should know – live…

The film “Solo across the Atlantic” – with Cati & Johannes im Livechat

My first big trip, my first film - together with YOU in live chat. Caribbean pictures under the Christmas tree.   How & I watch the old film again every Christmas - also with family and friends - this time…

“For two at sea” online again. Merry Christmas!

Dear Readers, Christmas is barely a week away. But you will get your gift today! As a little lockdown help, we are putting our very first livestream presentation from Easter 2020 online again - until the new year! Then you can do it yourself…