Day: Solo across the Atlantic

The film “Solo across the Atlantic” – with Cati & Johannes im Livechat

My first big trip, my first film - together with YOU in live chat. Caribbean pictures under the Christmas tree.   How & I watch the old film again every Christmas - also with family and friends - this time…

Again on lecture tour

Dear Readers, due to the still steady demand, I would like this year a few lectures “Solo across the Atlantic” about my adventures with “Maverick” hold. Currently, I'm already twelve dates. Here is the list: 27.-30. January: Boot 2011, Düsseldorf. Jeden…

“Solo across the Atlantic” for iPhone and iPad

The book is already sold out for months - sometimes copies were on Amazon for about 100 Euro (!) traded. Madness! Exactly when the book is reprinted, I can not say yet. Aber befinden uns ja ohnehin in der Zeit…