Yet another ship change

Dear Readers,

long as I have nothing to read from me. Why not? Now, it was just me peinlNow … Embarrassed to report, that we already have another boat. How did it happen? Now, after speaking to “Maverick too” had arrived in Kopperby, A friend offered me his experienced blue water yacht for purchase. A ship, designed and built to travel around the world. The family was as excited as I, We threw together – and suggested. That is why “Maverick” listed for several weeks on all stock boats. I have a really bad conscience, nice to leave the contest again – moreover for a younger! Their optical (yellow hull) had been discussion with many friends. My comment: At least she has a high recognition value! 😉
More on the ship and story some other time. Here some pictures, the last week, where we have also transferred to the new boat to the loop.


Stopover during transfer to the Baltic Sea. The mast is great!

The post is in Wedel. Meanwhile, despite, that shortly after he returned from a week earlier, the circumnavigation has an enormous amount to the ears, is Sönke Roever spontaneously to the harbor and help. Thanks for that! 🙂

We can sail – and do it well. The same down to Brunsbüttel.

View from above. Mast steps are just great. But there will also be someone realize how, how big the ship is actually – and how much wood in the next few years would be maintained. Auweia …

More wood! 😉
While driving through the rain constantly pouring it NOK. At 7.30 Clock in the morning we start at Brunsbüttel and in the evening to 22.30 in our home port in the loop.