Category: Off-Topic

The Erdmann Nativity

A little find. Thus, the nativity scene under the Christmas tree looks at home from my parents - ever since I was a little kid. All animals available, Ox and ass, all as described in the Bible. Zusätzlich lehnt neben Joseph und Maria…

Around Europe …

Two weeks ago I got my 26. Birthday celebration. Just in time I received a small parcel of Per and Kathleen from Oldenburg, The Cati and me a cup of their “NamuPaiAi” and have also sent two bottles of Portuguese Sagres beer. By white,…

Life rafting on the Schlei

Dear Readers, last week we are back from holidays in Sweden - and now I had all sorts of back to the ears, so far I have not found the time, to sift through the pictures and make movies zighundert. Vorab nun…

Small Steps Forward

Dear Readers, at the traffic curve in Google Analytics I can see: It's slow time again, to type a few lines. Also los: This past weekend was a turbulent. Just 1.400 km, has carried me my old golf, brave and reliable….

Sailing time again ...

Would be nice ..., I've been thinking this past Sunday. Seit wir Ende April in Hamburg losgefahren und Anfang Mai in Kopperby angekommen sind, has the boat moved a meter. Wir hatten ja auch ganz gut mit den…

The world is a village ...

Friday night we went in Brunsbüttel as the fourth ship in one package. The crew of the Hallberg Rassy 42 “Enjoy” took our lines to be happy. Over the rail, we arrived just this week: Sie hatten das Schiff gerade in Rendsburg übernommen…