Category: Refit

“The wide world ...”

“I currently only comes ... by YACHT into the house”, Wilfried Erdmann in April 2006 posted on its website. Damals war ich gerade in der Karibik unterwegs und ein Artikel darüber in der YACHT. Here is the LINK. Doch mir geht es…

A busy summer

Dear Readers, this year I got my longest vacation ever. Four weeks. The original plan was, with “Maverick” to bolt to Scotland and thus to subject the old lady a little hardness test. And especially: Sail right finally….


Dear Readers, after we have Maverick's underwater ship in February peeled completely, it was now after months of drying phase and several weekends einnehmener preparation finally go to the rebuilding. To which I say: Yay, because it was really time! Nach und…

Sharpen, sharpen, schleifen …

Dear Readers, it itches today. The fine fibers are really stubborn and always find their way to the skin. This is “Maverick” but now ready for laminating. This weekend we want to go through with this project. Wenn alles gut…

Es ist become leather ...

In the hall .... Only “Maverick” is still in the corner, waiting for their splashdown. However, this can take a few weeks. Dreading for months before removal of the rudder. Ich habe sowas bisher nur bei der…

Here we go further!

Dear Readers, We are sailors but funny people. Since about two weeks forms a hole in my right shoe. That happens in this type shoe again, after about a half to three quarters of a year. I know that, Falls ihr das so schade findet wie wir…