Category: Refit

Have tinkered in June (mostly in the rain)

Dear Readers, long here, nothing has happened. For us nothing. At least, nothing spectacular. Cati learns and learns and learns. Now there are only three weeks left until their final examination. Gleich im Anschluss wollen wir dann nach Kopperby fahren…

The “MAVERICK too”!

Dear Readers, Now things are really getting started when it comes to boat optimization 🙂 Last weekend I was in Stavoren with my father. Within one and a half days we have made the contest “our” Ship made. It looks completely different from, right like…

A construction site less

Dear Readers, It must be quite confusing, here on the site constantly changing ship witness. Here again the old boat, is taken at the beginning of April by the new owners. Vergangenes Wochenende habe ich zusammen mit meinem Bruder Tobi in…

Two sites at the same time

Dear Readers, The week-long radio silence for a reason: I have to do enough. The old boat will be taken in early April by the new owners and the new, there are still a lot to do, bevor wir es wahrscheinlich im…

The New, the Old

Dear Readers, there is joyful news. We have found a ship. 🙂 If you've been following this blog for a while now, is probably the same in the next paragraph, the hands meet above the head, shake your head or just go loud…

Hull looked

Dear Readers, on the way to Catis father (New Year's Day visit) Today we have looked at a steel hull. Good thing, receive complete and super stainless. This is the bow already expanded, an almost new machine and a mast-blank while. Wir könnten direkt…