Category: Equipment

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Dear Readers! Wintertime – Thoughtfulness … John and I also have to remember in the winter now to some. Over the summer we have a lot of time, Work and of course money in the “Gipsy Girl” put, um sie fit zu…

Life rafting on the Schlei

Dear Readers, last week we are back from holidays in Sweden - and now I had all sorts of back to the ears, so far I have not found the time, to sift through the pictures and make movies zighundert. Vorab nun…

Soon moving pictures!

Dear Readers, Today, even a bit of technology: Two days ago I bought a new video camera. I tremble still, because for many years, I have not spent so much money for something, das ich nicht auch sofort…

In some packages Ærø

  Dear Readers, relatively long time there was nothing to read, obwohl wir in der Zwischenzeit ein sehr schönes Segelwochenende auf Ærø verlebt und unendlich viele Fotos geschossen haben. Das hat zwei Gründe: Zum einen ist Johannes gerade für die YACHT in der…

Craft Weekend Part II

Dear Readers, more HERE: Saturday morning it immediately goes to the assembly of the spark. Plus and minus celling is not a problem, But even on the old boat I did not get it, to allow the radio to communicate with the GPS….

Craft Weekend Part I

Dear Readers, again a busy weekend is behind us. This time with two days longer than usual. Therefore, the report also tells time in two entries. We have spent the four days over again 1.000 Fotos geschossen und 1…